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                         a b o u t                          


C L O U D   A G R O L T D

s e r v i c e s :  we specialise in soil health and crop nutrition, delivering sustainable solutions for farmers who want to make a positive environmental impact with optimum financial returns.
Done in concert with scientific and agricultural institutions to jointly develop laboratory protocols and farm products which are rigorously tested and proven in on-farm field trials across multiple geographic regions and climatic conditions.

p r o d u c t s :  we supply Smart Feed™ which is a 100% natural organic fertiliser and soil conditioner.  The brand farmers trust is FutureGro, which comes from the process of organic nutrient recycling, and is the green science driving future crop production systems.

Our services and products make it possible for producers, for the first time, to accurately measure and effectively treat the 'burn rate of nutrients' exported during harvest, together with the 'burn rate of humus (organic matter)' expended during mineralisation.


            p r o d u c t   o f f e r i n g :             

to the brand


is a high-quality, fully decomposed organic fertiliser that adds nutrients, improves soil structure, and stimulates microbial action.


  6x  stronger than farmyard manure

50x more effective than green waste



FutureGro is an upgrade to the traditional practice of manure and green waste application.

                  a p p l i c a t i o n :                  

when will you use it?

1. Prepare: before planting

Boost: after budburst

Replenish: after Autumn harvest

Apply FutureGro, on average, one tonne per hectare twice a year to your soil to see healthier crops and 25% higher yields this season.


We perform detailed studies for precision agriculture.


how to

              w h a t   t o   e x p e c t :              

              our success in numbers             


average yield increases


extra earnings on high-value crops


savings on chemical fertiliser


'living soil' which retains up to 15% more moisture and optimises nutrient use efficiency
is profitable and sustainable agriculture

to the results

     c o n s i d e r   t h e   f o l l o w i n g :     

to benefits

enhanced soil fertility


FutureGro is rich in humus, organic matter, and a variety of macro- and micro-nutrients, which help to create a “living soil”, rich in carbon and beneficial microorganisms. It helps to balance soil pH and also enhances water retention.

increased yield


FutureGro is a more powerful solution than animal manure and green waste. With greater density and availability of nutrients, it produces greater yields.

reduced need for
chemical fertilisers


Repeated application of FutureGro helps nutrients become more available to crops, making soil more fertile. Over time, less chemical fertiliser is needed.


improved crop tolerance


With FutureGro, as the plant grows stronger with enhanced nutrition and more balanced soils, crops are able to ward off disease vectors and pest attacks. Animal manure does the opposite: its application often leads to the spread of weed seeds, disease vectors, and pathogens.

high safety standards


FutureGro is a safe high-quality farm input with treated and composted poultry manure. The heat treatment process eliminates harmful pathogens to make the product safe to use.  It is tested in independent laboratories using EEC-certified processes.

support best practice


FutureGro's manufacturing processes undergo strict nutrient and pathogen analyses to maintain EEC certification necessary for internal and external farm compliance. Use of animal manure is typically not allowed by best-practice audit standards.

       w h a t   t h e   e x p e r t s   s a y :        

Vineyard Magazine ii.png

Change is 'under' foot.  Digging deep to find the solution to sustainable soils and improved yields.  Victoria Rose, Editor: Vineyard Magazine."

“...Production efficiencies are gained through the integrated nutrient management practices promoting combined use of mineral, organic and biological resources..."

to testimonials

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to contact

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